Links to Other Civ4 Websites

These are other quality websites related to Civilization IV. No matter what interests you, these are Civ4 resources that should prove useful.

This is a link to the official site for Civ4. You can order the game, download any patches that might come out, and in general find out more information about the game. Any fansite should incude the link to the game's official site...

CivFanatics is the best source for general information on Civilization 4 anywhere on the Internet, and its forums provide a easy place to discuss the game with like-minded people. With over 50,000 registered members, it's easy to find others with common interests to discuss various game issues or join with in succession games. It's worth anyone's time to check it out.

This is a link to Realms Beyond Civilization, the group that runs the Epics competition games. RBCiv is a friendly group of Civilization players who believe more in comparing stories and swapping tales rather than trying to score the most points or find the fastest way to kill the computer AI. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join our group, regardless of skill level. I spent most of my Civ3 time talking with others here, since they had a similar philosophy and approach to the game, and I expect things to be no different for Civ4. This is the best place to find wacky variant games of Civ4, some of which you'll have to see to believe...

Here's a link new to my website, pointing to Civ4Players, the premier Civ4 Multi-Player group on the Internet. The same people who run this site are the same people who were in charge of MP testing for Civ4, so believe me when I say that they know what they're doing. I'll be running some activities with this group down the line, although to what extent at this point I don't know.

This link leads to Sirian's new website for Civ4, called the Dawn of Civilization. Sirian is a brilliant writer, bonified gaming genius, and a good friend to boot. Not to mention the fact that he was the lead Single-Player tester for the development of Civ4. The stories on his website will be highly enjoyable for anyone who likes this site.

The banner above points to Speaker's website for Civ4. Speaker is another one of our best players and a good friend from Civ3 days. Sooner or later I'll have to start writing up some of our MP games on this website...

This leads to Kylearan's website for Civ4. Kylearan is another one of our longtime veterans from Civ3 days, who has evolved into a truly formidable player. I highly encourage visitors to check out his website.

After a long (and understandable) period of Civ burnout, T-Hawk has returned to join us once again for Civ4. T-hawk's almost unbelievable micromanagement skills and attention to detail are still in force, and he has a growing number of impressive games on the new website to match those on the Civ3 Heroic Epic.

This is the website created by Blake (Grater on CivFanatics) for Civ4. Blake is one of the more recent arrivals to Realms Beyond, but has already posted a number of excellent results and seems to have inherited the spreadsheeting analytical mindset of a Charis or T-Hawk from Realms Beyond's Civ3 community.

This is the website created by Ruff_Hi for our Epics/Adventures games. This website is easy to remember due to the huge feather graphic that dominates each page!

Here is a link to Snaproll's website for Civ4. Snaproll hasn't played in quite as many of our events as the above players, but that doesn't meet you shouldn't give his website a look.

A link to pling's website, one of our new Civ4 players.

Here are (many) more links to other members of the Realms Beyond community who have started their own websites. I didn't have the time or energy to put their banners up here, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't visit their fine websites!

Arathorn's Civ4 Pages
blid's Website
Bulwark's Epics
Carrot: Realms Beyond Civilization tournament reports
Compromise's Website
Dreylin's Website
Drugged Unholy's Website
eYe's Website
Hadrian11's Website
Harleqin's Website: The Globe
Kodii's Civ4 Chronicles
Kronoz's Website
Lee Kendter's Civ4 Site
mbuna120's Website: The Civilized World
Meiz's Website
Homepage of Mucco
Neon Elephant's Website
Notoptimal's Civilization 4 Reports
Paleman's Civ4 Games
Qwack's Civilization 4 Center
Sourdough's Website: The MAD Baker
Stagnate's Website
ThERat's Civ site

I have undoubtedly left some people out, so please don't hesitate to let me know if I missed your website.