Civ4 AI Survivor Season 8: Playoff Game Two Preview

This is a continuing feature for Season Eight of Civ4 AI Survivor: a preview of each game before it begins, providing a quick summary of the leaders involved and how the community expects the game to shake out. These playoff previews are incomplete at the moment; the leaders taking part in this game will be filled in after the completion of the opening round. We start as always with an overview of the map:

We've had requests in past seasons for an overview screenshot of the map with the resource icon turned on:

It's hard for me to see much of anything with all of those little icons but you guys asked for it, you've got it! Now for a look at our individual leaders (note that all stats are from before the start of Season Eight):

Game Two Winner

Leader TBD.

Game Five Winner

Leader TBD.

Game Eight Winner

Leader TBD.

Game Three Runner Up

Leader TBD.

Game Six Runner Up

Leader TBD.

Wildcard Game Runner Up

Leader TBD.