Civ4 AI Survivor Season 7: Game Six Writeup

This very unique summary for Game Six was written by Slashin'. Many thanks for volunteering to put this report together!

Deep within the interstice beyond space and time exists beings tasked with the creation of entire realities. These deities were responsible for managing their universes, and would regularly get together to boast about the advancements made by their inhabitants by showcasing a fragment of their work in action. Of course, managing a universe isn't exactly easy, even for a creator god, and so these deities delegated many of their responsibilities to their underlings to handle the minutiae of forming the cosmos.

This is the tale of one such individual.

"It is time."

The creator sat atop his throne, manifesting a platform within the void of nonexistence for his subordinate to land on. With a flick of his wrist, he distorted the spacetime directly in front, from which the increasingly loud bellows of his subordinate could be heard.

"aaaaaaAAAAAAA-OOF," Gaea landed with a thud, face planting into the platform below her. "DAMNIT OURANOS, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LEAVING YOUR WORMHOLES IN MY WORKSPA-my lord!

Gaea immediately reoriented herself, her disheveled locks obscuring a look of shock at being summoned in front of her boss. She kneeled to genuflect, face lowered as a sign of respect to the creator of her universe.

"Lord Sul! For what occasion am I granted the honor of your presence?"

"Well, you see Gaea, after the debacle we had in the last meeting with the other creators, I thought I'd move up our performance evaluation up a few eons."

Gaea had feared this day would come albeit not expecting it so soon. Her master, while infinitely wise, was also surprisingly temperamental and short on patience for a timeless being.

"Mind explaining what was going on over there? That world had no commerce, basically one river and about as many floodplains as I have chins, and I keep a trim figure! 320 turns passed, and I don't think anyone even discovered mechanized transport before Kublai subjugated the known world under their thumb. I was the laughingstock of the entire conference! Were you drunk when creating that world?!

"Actually my lord, I was putting the final touches before deadline but you insisted I join you for TSI Friday and that I drink ambrosia as well so you wouldn't be the only one-"

"No excuses! I want you to start over with another world for our next conference, and you better bring out your A game this go around. We're going to have another meeting amongst the creators and I want to make sure this world showcases that the finest plane of existence belongs to our universe. We'll see who snickering this time around!"

And so Gaea was tasked with the Herculean task of creating the perfect world, one inundated with lush terrain and teeming with precious metals perfectly suited for progress. Gaea selected 6 of her finest...competent...serviceable? Yes, 6 of her serviceable immortal children oversee this endeavor. It was true they were prone to bickering and engaging in petty squabbles but it was undeniable they would make use of the fertile banquet she had bestowed. If anything, their mediocrity only heightened the splendor of her handicraft, that the world and its terrain was more notable than its soon to be inhabitants.

Unfortunately for Lord Sul, news spreads quite fast throughout the multiverse, and NDAs weren't exactly easy to enforce for beings where time was really more a point of contact as opposed to a cold indifferent force flowing towards total entropy. Word soon got out to the other creators that Sul would be showcasing another world. Thanks to the last showcase, the other gods treated Sul's latest project as a contest, placing bids on the fate of the world rather than recognizing it as a grand memorial of mortal accomplishment that Sul had intended.

"Even if I find the leaker, trans dimensional litigation means the appeal process could take countless epochs, damn labor laws." Sul went on to grumble about the corruption of the cosmic court system before dismissing for lunch.

The day of the reveal arrived, and the creators and their chosen took to their assigned seats within the cosmic amphitheater. Lord Sul fidgeted nervously atop his throne as he found himself once again under the eye of judgement, a position he himself usually assumed. He ignored the verbal jabs of his contemporaries who passed by raising a hand in jest.

"Sul, buddy, looking forward to today's production. I love comedies!"

"Nah fam, I heard this one is a tragedy for the ages. And if I were to guess, Caesar's the star." Snooty laughter erupted from the peanut gallery behind Lord Sul's throne.

It is in times of great pressure that the wildest ideas arise, and Lord Sul had one final revelation. He hailed a servant who brought him oolong tea, the objectively best tea within the multiverse, whispering something into the usher's ear, before sending him off backstage.

Meanwhile, Gaea gazed triumphantly over her labor of love behind the curtains. This was a truly splendid world, for which her immortal children and their mortal progeny would demonstrate the virtues of their universe. She had heard of the other lords who had placed bids to mock her master, whom although she served dearly, was in a rather amusing predicament. Roughly half the audience in the coliseum backed one of her sons Julius Caesar, a firebrand expected to lead the way to subjugating his fellow brothers' people and sideline the entire endeavor. JC was blessed with a fertile starting river valley with gold in his starting city and another one nearby to the left of his tribe. It was expected he would get out to a breakneck tech pace and send his elite soldiers to conquer his neighbors. His fellow immortal brothers, Mehmed and Brennus, were proud warriors also blessed with bountiful river banks suited for the procreation of life, and even a riverside gold in the former's case. Between them lay Saladin, who was more balanced between militarism and the considerations of his people, with an excellent double corn start. And then there was Darius, clumsier than his brothers and prone to wasting opportunities in an effort to pursue the arts. Despite this, Gaea loved her son dearly and was guilty of playing favorites in previous incarnations, where she had tended to grant his people generously hospitable terrain over previous incarnations of the universe. Of course, he was prone to wasting those opportunities, like the one time he threw away an assured scientific victory in favor of promoting hip hop dancing as the newest craze amongst his people. He had lost that world to his holy Roman sibling as a result and received a scolding from his mother, but she could tell there was a heart of gold quite literally under that soft exterior. For all his flaws, he was the bookkeeper of the family and quite good at sorting the numbers. This time, she granted him and his people an absurdly rich start, featuring double gold resources in the capital, an immediately improvable wet wheat resource, and an isolated position away from the squabbling of his more militaristic brethren. This blatant favoritism was immediately picked up by a third of the audience, who placed bets on him despite acknowledging his goofier tendencies. Then there was Tokug-

"Yo sis, telegram from daddy big S himself," chimed the grating voice of her brother. "There's been a slight change of plans."

"Ugh, really? The demonstration is about to start any minute now. This isn't one of your schemes, is it," Gaea spat scornfully at her trickster brother.

"Aw, cmon sis, even I wouldn't be that cruel on your big day. You know I love ya."

"Whatever, what doth our lordship decree?"

Ouranos manifested a scroll and donned his reading glasses, "thy lord requests his son, his only son, be sent to the planet to bring civility and sophistication across the realm and ensure the demonstration doesn't go awry."

"A bit on the nose, don't you think?"

"Yeah, there's some parallels, but hilarious in retrospect if it gets founded early on. Anyways, best of luck sis." And with that, Ouranos turned around to chase down the hot dog cart making rounds across the center aisle.

Gaea was stunned, this was a big last minute change indeed, but there was wisdom in this decision. Willem was a fantastic builder who despite having a bit of a temperament like his father was an affable diplomat that pursued the arts and sciences. Besides it's not like she could really refuse his request. It was clearly a hedge by Lord Sul for a smoother display in order to shush his detractors. Despite being a last minute entry, Gaea already noticed on the side screen that 10% of the audience already switched their votes to Willem. Unfortunately, that meant the spot reserved for Tokugawa, a conservative but decent start with nearby flood plains and a gold tile would have to be given to Willem instead. Gaea was forced to cast her son and his people to a rocky meadow next to the arctic poles almost certain to doom them to irrelevancy. Digging out of his position would be a difficult endeavor she speculated, but it would prove his tenacity and honestly he kind of deserved it after taking all the chocolate chips out of the cookie jar and leaving only oatmeal and rum raisin for the rest of the family.

Gaea quickly exited stage right after applying the last minute changes. The curtains unveiled, revealing a projection of cosmic proportions, and the crowd cheered in excitement. With that, the game was afoot.

The first settlers scrambled out to stake out territory for their immortal leaders. To the dismay of the majority of the audience who backed the Roman emperor, Caesar placed Antium in the desert, claiming the nearby pigs and rice tiles but narrowly missing the riverside plains hill gold tile. The Romans were anticipated to be a military juggernaut due to the potential of an early double-gold fueled economy, and Antium's placement all but assured the second gold tile would likely never be worked. The Ottoman's settlement of Edirne also drew confused murmurs, a promising city once borders expanded but was working on a 30 turn settler build utilizing a 2 food grassland tile. Mehmed's long term prospects were promising with a lot of backland and a favorable diplomatic environment, but his early game choices certainly did not set him to become a powerhouse player in the future. Further south of the Ottoman enclave, Japanese huts struggled to make use of the land, a poor fit for the leader's initial starting techs.

Meanwhile, Saladin and Brennus called their followers to the summit of their hilled settlements for an important announcement. Arabian and Celtic workers left their plows in the town hall as they scurried to the hilltop to hear the motivational words of their immortal leaders. Saladin regaled his followers with a tale of a mighty prophet who arose from the sands of a distant planet, and promised his followers a guarantee of paradise for those who spread the word far and wide. Not too far east on a similar hilltop, Brennus preached a naturalistic philosophy to inspire his followers, stressing the importance of balance and harmony in life through the understanding of yin and yang. Apparently, Brennus didn't take much to his own teachings as he increasingly raised his voice to drown out the heretical teachings of his brother within earshot of his people. The two soon got into a shouting contest, exchanging threats and naughty hand gestures and instilling the flames of resentment into their followers. Conflict between these two seemed inevitable down the road. Gaea rubbed her temples in frustration seeing her two sons shouting over each other as nearby corn fields remained unimproved, a waste of the promising land she had so carefully crafted.

In contrast, it was the two financial leaders who had stolen the early spotlight and had by far played the most competent openers. In a shocking display of competence, Darius opened mining and followed it up with animal husbandry, the two exact techs needed to unlock his start. The industrious Persian workers spent no time ruminating the spiritual ramblings of their leader, instead improving a wet corn to ensure the gold mines would be worked as soon as possible. This manifested in an incredible beaker rate, the game had just started and Darius was already churning out bronze working in 6 turns! Yet just as impressive was Willem, the young prodigal whose starting location was not nearly as abundant in mineral wealth and fraught with dangerous neighbors, but smart early research decisions and a fortuitous settlement by a flood plains gold delta showcased his proficiency at leading his people. Willem despite working with less boasted an impressive research rate and strong landgrab, deftly navigating the tech tree to gain access to powerful worker techs. Willem focused his early build queues on monumental displays such as the pyramids and the temple of artemis, an investment that would establish his people as a powerful economic power later on.

A 3rd religion was founded in the Dutch city of Nijmegan and the race was off with three major players vying for religious supremacy in the center of the map. Islam spread via word of mouth to the Persians in the East, while Christianity was appropriately adopted by the Western Romans.

Barbarian cities began to pop around the map, with the majority of settlements popping up in the eastern hinterland between Darius, Brennus, and Willem. The Persian's early domestication of horses proved to be a shrewd decision here, as Persian immortals easily brushed aside barbarian clubs and arrows from pillaging their improvements. Persian immortals counterattacked at the barb city of Yue-Chi, subjugating its denizens to Persian rule. The other burgeoning civilizations nearby similarly looked towards partitioning the nearby barbarian cities, with the Dutch, Arabian, and Celts each annexing a barbarian colony into their domains. Slowly but surely, the leaders claimed the unsettled lands between their starting positions as borders began to push against each other, and the era of peaceful expansion came to a close. Darius's immortals, growing increasingly bored from the lack of conflict with opponents that could give them a real challenge, nominated their most outspoken to address their leader:

"Oh mighty emperor," the spokesperson kneeled in respect to the being representing their namesake. "These primitive savages you have ordered us to cull pose little challenge in combat. I myself have killed dozens of black loincloths and still my superiors refuse to give me my much deserved 4th promotion! We need real combat with warriors equipped with metal to test our mettle!"

Darius's eyes glazed over as he tried to conceal his bored expression from the man in front of him pontificating on the virtues of combat with the civilized ones. Aggression this early on was not his preferred method of empire building, and Darius much preferred his civic duties of expanding his city's skylines and balancing the empire's checkbooks. He was a builder at heart, a mindset putting him at odds with so many of his siblings. Many of which presided with him leading other factions in this world. Fortunately for him, his empire was particularly isolated in the time being, but that was no guarantee he'd be able to escape the notice of the other immortals for long. As much as he hated to admit it, perhaps an alternate approach would provide him the edge to come out on top in this world.

Darius obliged his warriors' bloodlust by pointing his finger in the direction of the Celts, under the pretense of religion perhaps, but also because Darius wasn't particularly fond of his Brennus anyway. Persian forces detoured to gather blessings from the holy city of Medina before starting their campaign. The Persian army took their leader's finger pointing a little too literally and raced past the vulnerable city of Camulodunum in hopes of conquering the Celtic capital. Persian swords and chariots clanged futilely against the walls of Bibracte as Celtic archers took potshots atop the city's duns.

Elsewhere in the world, praetorian legions marched their armies eastward with the intent of consolidating the wealthy Dutch holdings under Roman rule. This came as a surprise to the spectators who expected the Romans and Dutch having the same peaceweight and religion to be lifelong allies throughout the game. It wasn't entirely unwarranted however: the Dutch borders output immense cultural pressure onto the neighboring Roman and were relatively undefended in comparison to their value. Caesar had played an incredibly poor landgrab much to the dismay of the spectators whom the majority had placed their faith in the dictator. Conquering the Dutch may have been Caesar's best bid for relevance provided his neighbors could leave him alone for the time being. Unfortunately, Caesar's poor early game performance hurt his timing here, where praetorians weren't fielded in the numbers necessary to take over the fortified Dutch garrisons. The Dutch themselves seemingly had no interest in building a military force to counterattack, instead content to continue building every wonder in every city queue. Both the Persian-Celtic and Roman-Dutch War ended up being stalemates where the status quo was maintained. Would there be any conflicts that could possibly shift the balance of power in the near future?

As it turned out, not really. Saladin rallied his troops to aid his religious bretheren against the Celtic heathens, targeting the more sensible target of Camulodunum for his conquest along their borders. Satisfying his warrior's thirst for combat and humbling them in the process of the countless bodies lining the Celtic capital, Darius sent out his diplomats to negotiate a peace deal with the Celts. He turned his attention towards internal development, building up infrastructure and settling the remainder of the eastern half of the continent. Elsewhere, Mehmed had recovered from his slow start and built a respectable empire, leveraging the vast tracts of land north of him to backfill back into relevancy. Despite being well known for not declaring wars at pleased, Mehmed was notorious for being difficult to get along with even with those that shared his ideology (Mehmed has -1 base relations and only 1 warmonger respect). This manifested in Mehmed declaring war on his religious ally as famed Seljuk horse archers backed by siege poured into Saladin's western flank. They too were unable to break the protective Arabian longbows and breach their fortifications. 500AD, and nearly all the civilizations were locked into their original territorial boundaries with no real breakthroughs. WIth no real changes occurring in the map, it was the two financial leaders who were beginning to run away from the rest of the field.

The status quo was shattered for the first time with two major war declarations. While everyone was mired in stalemated conflicts, Darius had spent his time peacefully building up his infrastructure and amassing a large army in Bactra. He was building up a score lead away from the rest of his competitiors, with WIllem as the only other one on the map in contention for a victory through peaceful means. In a shrewd Machiavellian turn of events, Darius declared war on the weakened Dutch as opposed to returning to conflict with the Celts. While confusing from a diplomatic standpoint, as Darius was annoyed with Brennus as opposed to cautious with Willem, it was a great tactical move removing the only other potential threat to his victory, and when the Persian armies came charging into Dutch lands, they systematically captured the Dutch cities with ease. Delft, Bulgar, Maastricht, and Amsterdam fell in systematic fashion as the Persian armies swiftly sieged down each city. This provided a much needed reprieve for the Romans, as the Dutch were not able to reinforce the city of Rotterdam due to their newfound existential threat and allowed the Romans to advance from the West. Unfortunately for Julius Caesar, this victory was short lived as the next pivotal war kicked off, this time with Tokugawa flanking the Romans on their western front. Tokugawa had recovered from being jettisoned half a continent away and made their bid for relevancy by conquering Rome and wielding a production edge over their opponent.

Willem at this point apparently saw the writing on the wall and decided to go out in true Willem fashion. As his empire quickly collapsed, he achieved the liberalism prize and built both the spiral minaret and mausoleum of mausallos in Utrecht and Amsterdam respectively. His final decree was to end religious persecution within his quickly shrinking borders, reminding his people to tolerate each other and commit their lives towards peaceful development. As Darius made his final approach towards the palace at Middelburg, Willem looked Darius straight in the eye without a hint of malice or regret. Darius promised to keep his subjects safe, maintain their architectural marvels, extend freedom of worship to all those within their realm, and develop their civilization towards the stars. With the safety of his people secured, Willem departed towards the stars as the first to exit the world. The immortals observing from high above marvelled at the pragmatism of the young prodigal and the promise he had of one day joining their ranks. Lord Sul was proud of his son's performance who although would not personally lead that world to success, had set the framework for a like-minded individual to develop an empire that would be the envy of the stars. Perhaps in another world, where Willem and Darius would have both adopted Free religion before their conflict and allowed the two to coexist, but that was not to be in this timeline.

The Romans were unable to stymie the Japanese units which, while antiquated, were well promoted thanks to Tokugawa's stewardship. Rome was first to fall, and the crowd anticipated he would be next to exit as Caesar was reduced to a mere two cities, when in a turn of events, Ottoman units came flooding from the north towards the city of Nagoya. Mehmed had signed peace with Saladin prior to this invasion as protective longbows proved too difficult to dislodge. The Arabians in turn, were just as eager for a ceasefire, and turned their attention towards their bloodsworn enemies as the Celts once again resumed their offensive against Arabia. Tokugawa's attention pivoted from finishing off the Romans towards defending Nagoya.

Meanwhile, Ottoman leadership met for a final war council outside Nagoya's walls:

"Are all 94 divisions present and accounted for lieutenant," the general inquired.

"Yes my liege. Our grenadiers, crossbows, and knights are all accounted for and waiting for the signal to attack on your orders sir."

"Very well, we have the tech advantage and we outnumber our foes 10 to 1. They haven't had time to properly reinforce the city and we should be able to capture the city before the main army arrives. Captain, issue the orders to our soldiers to begin the storm on Nagoy-".

Before the general could finish issuing his order, a messenger barged into the tent with news from the capital.

"General! The 95th batallion just arrived sir! They said the muddy roads slowed them down but they've finally just reached the frontline"

Upon hearing the news, a sense of dread quickly enveloped every member in attendance save the general.

The lieutenant quickly interjected, "My lord, perhaps we can account for this tiny logistical issue after the battles commenced, just give us the order."

"Nonsense, we should leverage every advantage we can muster. Which battalion just arrived?"

"The siege division sir."

The general's eyes twinkled in excitement as he hurriedly left the tent to witness a single dilapidated trebuchet making its way towards the gates.

"Belay that order Lieutenant! Forget everything I've said so far, we commence with SIEGE WARFARE!"

"But sir, we outnumber them 10 to 1!"


"We have the technological edge to storm their city with minimal casualties!"


"We'd be allowing our enemies to reinforce the city and giving time for their main army to get he--"


The Lieutenant threw his arms up in exasperation, knowing there was little use in changing the general's mind once his mind was set. The now 95 Ottoman stack stood outside the city walls whispering in confused murmurs in the change in strategy as their rivals atop the city walls responded in equally confused murmurs but in Japanese in the sudden change in strategy.

And so, the Ottoman army waited patiently North of Nagoya as a singular trebuchet hurled a boulder every 2-3 years, lowering fortifications by 2% every time. Meanwhile, Japanese reinforcements continuously piled into Nagoya as the Ottomans had not considered attempting to surround the city or cut off supply lines or any other tactic that would typically accommodate a siege. There was much jubilation as halfway into the siege, a second trebuchet was wheeled in with great fanfare from the bored soldiers who had spent almost the entirety of their lives at this point watching a wooden lever hurl a giant rock. Now the city defenses would be cut by 4% every 2 years instead. Rifles would join during the final years and once the cities defenses were finally reduced to 17%, the general who would soon succumb to old age, issued his final order. The Ottoman stack, now 300 strong, commenced the assault at last.

Unfortunately, whether the ottoman soldiers had grown rusty in combat prowess, whether they had aged past their physical prime, or whether their weapons had become decrepit with disuse, were unable to take the city. In a shocking turn of events, the 300 strong army was cut down to a third, despite being a generation ahead of their opponents. This was shown by a significant shark fin in the power graph, as Japanese longbows, samurai, and pikeman valiantly held off rifles and grenadiers. The audience was in shock, how could this have possibly happened??

It turned out taking the siege out of siege warfare may have ultimately been a mistake. Siege is good for taking down fortifications, yes, but it's also good for dealing collateral damage to any city defenders before dealing the final blow. With the Ottomans only having a few trebs, only a handful of japanese units were damaged by collateral, and Ottoman units were ultimately attacking into full hp defenders for the most part. Add into the mix that the Japanese shogun was a notorious unit spammer and had traits that gave his units further defensive advantages and Nagoya still had some fortifications on top of a hill, and it turns out that Japanese longbows and samurai had winning odds defending against ottoman rifles. With that, it was suddenly the Japanese that found themselves on the offensive against the Ottomans, as a large Japanese stack overtook the Ottoman city of Konya. All the while, Roman garrisons did their best wall flower impression lest they draw the ire of the shogun who was still at war with them.

At this point, Darius's victory was guaranteed in all but name. After overtaking Dutch territory, Darius spent the latter half of the game doing what he did best: building infrastructure and racing ahead in tech off the back of financial/organized. It was hard to see another potential outcome outside of an overwhelming Persian victory when he was researching laser while his contemporaries were on physics and chemistry. The years raced by as the audience wondered whether any last minute drama would take place. At last, Darius launched his spaceship in 1832 AD (Turn 286), but not without checking the final item on his docket. Darius once again declared war on the Celts, and audience members wondered if Darius could complete the task before his 10 turn self imposed deadline.

The answer was a resounding yes.

Nukes dropped down into major Celtic population centers as numerous as droplets during a rainstorm. Celtic soldiers armed with rifles and grenades could do nothing as entire defensive forces were atomized, not that they would have been able to do much anyway against Persian armor rushing from the horizon and paradroppers dropping in with chemical suits 1 tile away from their undefended cities. Brennus held one final prayer group, stressing to his remaining followers to accept the bad along with the good, just as one last nuke cleansed the city of Isca of Celtic defenders. Isca was captured in 1846AD (turn 293), and Darius and Mehmed were notified of their victory and runner up prize in 1850AD (Turn 295). The remaining leaders would move on into the wildcard including Caesar who had just barely clung to life on the back of 2 cities.

The observers in the astral realm politely clapped as the demonstration came to a close, save for the whooping of a single individual who had won big on his bets that day.

"Looks like my boys get to move on, suck it Slash and Jmie,"Lord Amica snidely sneered as the other 7 members with him grumbled in disappointment.

"Amica got the better of us this time, but he's still pretty low on the overall scoring here, I'd say we're still in it," Lord Cuthrayx whispered to Lord Slashin'.

"Yeah, there's still a long way to go and Amica still has a long way to catch up. And what are the chances of that?" The two laughed as they floated away into the nether.

As for the rest of the immortals, they had gained a newfound respect for Lord Sul, who had demonstrated the ability to delegate and achieve results through his work. Despite 5 of the leaders being well known for their militarism, the remaining 2 leaders had leveraged the strength of their local terrain to accomplish a peaceful outcome despite what appeared to be unlikely odds. Furthermore Darius's rivals had all fought against each other rather than rallying against him like so many had anticipated due to this odd peaceweight out of the bunch, perhaps due to his corner start and beautiful capital terrain.

Lord Sul accepted their apologies and beckoned WIllem to return home, but not before calling out to Gaea in regards to her current employment.

"Gaea, we'll skip the performance review for the next few cycles. It's satisfactory, go ahead and take some time off, I know you've been pulling some all-nighters for this one so go spend some time with your kids. Good job."

"Thank you my lord, as you wish," replied Gaea as she knelt while seeing Lord Sul and Lord Willem off. Gaea couldn't wait to tell her brother about how she received a compliment from their taciturn boss. He was going to be so jealous.

While pride was considered a sin in some circles, especially amongst deities, Gaea couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride for a job well done. After all, it was her work that ultimately led to the success of the demonstration, and while Lord Sul's last minute intervention did help in the endeavor, ultimately it was her handiwork on the planet that had allowed the inhabitants to flourish. In a way, this story was really more about her work and the terrain than that of the inhabitants. Perhaps a bit too much so in the case of Darius and his double gold and wet corn start, which in a sense was picking winners and losers, but that didnt seem too apparent judging by the predictions she saw coming into the game. It was a rare case for the sole high peaceweight of the group coming out on top of a field of low peaceweights.

The seats vacated one by one as each being whisked themselves away back to their original dimensions. Gaea, now alone, took in the neverending expanse of stars, planets, and galaxies in her view. She allowed her to float upwards into the intergalactic medium and closed her eyes, the cosmic radiation she felt around her allowing her to mentally map out the location of all her projects she had worked on throughout the aeons.

After what seemed like an eternity, Gaea could once again bask in the serenity of her creations and her handiwork.

At long last, she could finally rest.