In one of the least dramatic conclusions of all time, I won a Domination victory in 1945:
I'm sure you could see that coming. Here are some shots and thoughts from the replay.
Starting positions on the map (hmm, I had forgotten that Tokugawa founded Buddhism. It never played any role in this game at all.) The player's start in the western hemisphere is a little more isolated than the others, but there's still going to be a real struggle to control the nearby land. Temujin may well be an X factor in a lot of games; I managed to bottle him up and gain control of that land to the east pretty early on, even after a slow start building wonders. It will be interesting to see how a faster expansion push plays out in this region.
The area in the yellow circle is the cul-de-sac region I found with my exploring galley in about 1500BC. The land there is relatively good, and there's a gems resource there too, so this will be highly desirable territory for all players. There are only two entrances to the area, however: the obvious entry from the west, and a spot to the south marked with a white X. The black Xs indicate places where it LOOKS like ships can cross, but actually cannot until the advent of galleons. Therefore, even though this area appears to be right next to Temujin, it's actually no threat to be taken by him at all. Mao will be the competitor here. I really believe that controlling the land in this circle, as well as the land to the immediate south and east of the starting position, will be key to doing well in this game. The north had much smaller islands and was less appealing. Other players certainly could have done more to the west than I did, however.
Here are things in AD years; I only have four cities, but now I'm done with my wonder-fest and really starting to get expansion rolling. More importantly, compare where I've put my cities to where the AI civs have put them. My cities are close to the capital, where they can be reinforced and easily defended. The AI... well, I have no real idea what they are thinking. I guess they just choose the best spot based on tile analysis without thinking about strategy. That seems to work on most map scripts, but umm - not here. Cities #3 and #4 for Temujin are... out there. Tokugawa's city #3 is on the other side of the world from his capital. The other AIs have made some reaches too, but not quite as insane. Needless to say, it was very easy to take these cities away from the AIs once I decided to put some military together.
Here I am right before attacking Temujin's core and really going onto the offensive for the first time. I've got solid control of all the territory around my capital, and over the region in the southeast that I judged to be a high priority. It will be interesting to see if the general trend for other players is to expand in a similar fashion, or to head to the west. I didn't go west partly because my Jewish allies were there, partly because crossing the international date line over and over again gives me a headache.
Conquest halfway done here, having taken out the Mongolian/Chinese/Japanese empires.
And the final shot. Lot of purple on that map. You can also see me founding all those cities on the last turn to get over the Domination limit. Since I ended up at 67%, and a bit over the limit due to this (which was not my intention), it's fine with me if the sponsors want to subtract a couple points off my islands score. I'll leave that decision up to them. I ended up with a final score of 27,322 (would have been over 35,000 before I delayed winning to accomplish the scenario goals).
Epic Two Scorecard
Dates to record:
____________ discovered all sources of Gems. (Umm, was this a scoring goal?)
Connected second Gems. 265BC (Not a snowball's chance on this one!)
Connected third Gems. 5AD
Connected fourth Gems. Not sure/unrecorded
Connected fifth Gems. 1238AD
Connected all Gems AND have all six rival civs as Gems Customers. (Never! I was a bad boy )
Connected and controlled all Gold sources in the world. 1845AD
Connected and controlled all Silver sources in the world. 1849AD
Items to score in 1500AD:
Gems sources controlled and connected. Six (30 points)
Seafood resources (Fish/Clam/Crab/Whale) controlled and connected. Twenty Three (23 points)
Items to score at game's end:
Did I remember to follow all the variant rules? (No religions founded, adopt Free Market, etc?) Yes
Did I win? Yes (25 points)
Victory type Domination
Finish date 1945AD
Did I capture or raze a city to acquire Gems, Gold or Silver? Uh-huh
Did I capture or raze a (non-Barbarian) city for any other purpose? *Maniacal laughter*
Gems controlled. Eight (40 points)
Customers. One (5 points)
Gold controlled. Five (15 points)
Silver controlled. Six (12 points)
Cities I founded by 1500AD that have reached size 25. Eight (64 points)
Total number of islands that are COMPLETELY within my borders. Eighty-Two (82 points)
Did I build the Oracle AND use it to discover Math or Currency? Yes (10 points)
Did I build Taj Mahal? Yes (5 points)
Did I earn Circumnavigation bonus? Yes (4 points)
Did I build Great Lighthouse? No
Did I build Hanging Gardens? Yes (2 points)
Did I build Strategic Missile Defense? Yes (4 points)
Did I build Globe Theater in my capital? Yes (8 points)
Did I build a Laboratory at every Gems-controlling city on the planet? Yes, saves available (5 points)
Number of Future Techs discovered (max 5) Nine (10 points)
Number of ICBMs that I control (not used) at game's end (max 10). Ten (10 points)
Subtotal: 354 points
There you go, a total of just over 350, with a small possibility for some extra points if I was fastest to do some stuff. Since I was never really playing for speed in this game, that's a bit unlikely, but there's an outside chance. Still kicking myself over missing that last size 25 city. Anyway, the game was a blast and I enjoyed it thoroughly, outside of the final 70 turns where I set all cities to research and clicked Next Turn. That really sucked. As far as difficulty, it was definitely on the easier side of Monarch games, mostly because the AI simply can't think strategically on a map like this. Then again, if you weren't familiar with the whip and the draft, and actually tried to like, you know, BUILD things on this map, it might have been considerably more difficult. I'll be most interested in seeing how some of our newer players handled such an unsual map.
Crossing my fingers that I'll someday win one of these competitions!