The initial turns were out of the way now, and I was happy with my production-heavy capital setup and two first-to-meet city state bonuses. Here on Turn 11, I spotted the natural wonder Mount Everest (which always spawns in the exact center of the 4-Leaf Clover map script) and scored the boost for Theology tech. This quiet turn was a good chance to pause and explain how the Demographics score tracking works in Civ6:
Sullla: Empire score consists of: It's unfortunate that the empire score isn't broken down on the in-game screen, but in a PBEM game like this with only 4 players it's relatively easy to track what's happening. Number of cities can be checked by looking at the other player's information on the diplomatic trade screen. You can tell if 3 points is a district or 3 population growths by checking the Great Person screen; if the other player is suddenly getting more Great Person points, it means that they finished a district. Similarly, this makes it easy to see when the other players are finishing techs, civics, wonders, etc. At the moment, everyone in this game has a size 3 capital (empire score = 8 for a single city and three pop). Everyone has finished one tech, and Teh and TheArchduke have each finished a civic as well thanks to their boosted cultural output. Together with the overall ranking screen that I'll breakdown in the next post, I can tell what the other players are doing with very high accuracy. One more example from my first-ever game of Civ6 where I have a screenshot of this breakdown: ![]() Empire score comes from two cities (10 points) and 5 total population points. I've researched 5 techs and 3 civics thus far; note how much slower the cultural output was in this non-Rome, non-Cultural city state game. Kongo had one city at size 5 with a district completed along with 4 techs and 2 civics. See? Easy to make sense of the numbers, at least in the early game. |
As I've done in the past for Civ4, I would end up tracking the score information in this game with a spreadsheet. I used an online Google Docs spreadsheet for this game, which is still available for viewing at this link, although a close inspection of that document will naturally reveal some spoilers about what happened later on. This score ranking allowed me to have a good idea of what was taking place out there in the rest of the world, even before meeting the other civs. The danger is that you can get too sucked into the numbers, and that can have serious consequences if you end up misinterpreting the limited information available. Keep this in mind throughout the rest of this particular series of events.
Speaking of other civs, on the very next turn I ran into a warrior from TheArchduke: contact with the other Rome!
Sullla: It's my sibling Roman civ played by TheArchduke. He must be located on the northwest corner of the continent, which is the player who will have the closest contact with my territory. Assuming that Yuris has the northeastern starting position with the citris resource, that would place teh in the southeast as the other player who will border me. Hmmm. There are some positives and negatives from that arrangement. On the positive side, I won't have to worry about an Eagle Warrior rush from Yuris' Aztecs since they are the furthest distance from me. On the negative side, Yuris would have arguably been the easiest player to attack after the early game was over. Geographically speaking, the position to the north/south of your start is easier to attack than the player to the east/west, which could be a problem here because I'd rather not attack Rome if possible. Anyway, it's still much too early to decide anything. I'll wait and see whether teh or TheArchduke looks like an easier proposition and go from there. I also made contact with Scientific city state Stockholm, fulfilling the boost for Political Philosophy. I am going to reach the first governments *VERY* early in this game, with Rome + Cultural city state and the boosts already completed for most of the civics along the way. (I will not get the boost for State Workforce because I have no plan on building an early district but I should get all the rest without any trouble.) I did not get the free envoy for contacting Stockholm first, which was instead picked up by TheArchduke. It looks like he made contact on this turn, which means that I lost out on the 2 beakers/turn reward by virtue of turn order. Argh! The quest from Stockholm is a bit unfortunate: they want me to construct a Campus district, which is again something that I have no intention of doing. I'll pick up an envoy soon enough though; Mysticism civic awards a free envoy and is boosted by founding a pantheon, which I will have in a few turns. I'll look at making a quick pitstop there after reaching the governments at Political Philosophy, and then dropping the envoy into Stockholm. I have more culture than I expected via that city state, and getting 2 beakers from the Scientific city state is almost certainly worth doing. The suzerain bonus for Stockholm is also really nice: +1 Great Person point per turn for all districts. I'll try to keep Stockholm alive and maintain suzerain status for that bonus alone, plus the bonus for Campus districts is obviously nice as well. (The other two city states I plan to annex for myself. I don't need a boost to Holy Site or Theatre districts in this game.) ![]() Back at home, the builder completed and I started on a settler. Yep, going builder -> settler for this game. |
As it turned out, I believe that I was correct in guessing that TheArchduke had met Stockholm before me only by virtue of playing before me in turn order. (It's a little bit hard to tell because TheArchduke does not have a screenshot from Turn 12. I'm pretty sure that he moved next to that Stockholm warrior on the same turn as me though.) If I had managed to score the envoy first, that would have been a swing of 4 beakers in our relative research capacities, +2 beakers for me and -2 beakers for TheArchduke. As I wrote at the time though, I couldn't complain about this outcome. I'd been plenty fortunate with regard to the city states thus far.
At home, I was taking advantage of the lack of barbarians to go with the super greedy builder into settler opening. I was guessing that none of the other players would open with heavy aggression and hoping not to be called on it. Now that I had contact with TheArchduke, I could see his power rating on the Demographics screen, and it became clear that he had opened with a scout unit, then most likely his own builder. Even with just one warrior, I figured I was safe enough against a neighbor that had only a warrior and a scout, and with the scout likely mapping out unexplored parts of the map. I doubted that scout was interested in trying to apply pressure early on.
When Foreign Trade civic finished on Turn 13, I happily ditched the weak God King policy in favor of Urban Planning:
This took production from 7/turn to 8/turn in the capital and shaved a turn off my settler build. Very nice. I was also holding off on any further unit builds until I could unlock Agoge policy for +50% production on melee and ranged units, which would become available when I finished Craftsmanship civic. Might as well squeeze out a settler now and then build units once they became cheaper with that civic in a few more turns. Anyway, TheArchduke and I moved our warriors around one another tentatively in the central part of the map over the next few turns, while my builder improved first the rice, then the horses, and then mined the plains hill tile. That took the capital up to 10 production and sparked this discussion about my upcoming tech and civics path:
Sullla: Growth in 3 turns, settler due in 5 turns. I had another stroke of good luck: the tile picker randomly grabbed the marsh tile northwest of the rice when borders expanded this turn. That's the exact tile that I wanted, and it was pure chance which one was picked. My pantheon will arrive in 3 turns, and that will sync up perfectly with growth to size 4. Lady of the Reeds and Marshes will add +1 production to the rice and the marsh tile, worth another 2 production immediately (10 -> 12 = 20% more). I'd like to say I planned all of this, but a lot of it was having the good luck to hit some very helpful city states. Not all luck though - without pushing for the Cultural city state in the center of the map, I wouldn't have landed that bonus. In terms of research, I've now swapped back to Craftsmanship civic to finish that one off and swap into Agoge policy finally. I'll pop out a slinger or two after the settler and then go back into more settlers with the Colonization policy from Early Empire in place. If everyone keeps farmer's gambiting this opening, perhaps just one slinger and then back to more settlers before Early Empire is even done. My third city will be a backfill location near the bananas that won't require much to defend at all. My tech choice is more interesting. I'm picking Bronze Working next so that I can toss down a very early Encampment district and lock in the costs before it gets too expensive. This is an odd choice to be sure, so the question needs to be asked: why this tech? The main reason is a lack of anything else compelling to tech right now. I don't need Sailing or Astrology any time soon at the top of the tree. I don't want Archery tech yet because I want to build the much cheaper slingers instead and upgrade them later. Masonry and The Wheel will be useful later, but I don't want to finish teching them yet because I'll be able to land their respective boosts, and there's little point in teching half of those techs. The most logical choice here would be Pottery into Irrigation or Writing, however I don't immediately need any of those options either. The luxury resource at my capital is jade, and that requires a mine to connect it, not a plantation. I don't need Irrigation for a bit since I don't require early plantations. I have no plans to build an early Campus district, as my capital is going to do an early Encampment instead for the Great General points. And as far as granaries go at Pottery... I'm going to try and skip them here as much as possible. My early cities will all be on fresh water, and that will get them to about size 4-5 before hitting the housing cap. That should last them long enough for me to tech to Engineering and get my Baths up and running. The Baths are roughly the same cost as a granary for me, and they provide +4 housing and +1 amenity for cities on fresh water, more than that for any city not on fresh water. I can save production by skipping the early granaries and sinking that production into settlers, builders, and Commercial districts. This worked out pretty well in my test games, and I was able to get the Encampment district dropped on the map (and the cost locked in place) before Turn 30. Then my capital would go back and actually build the thing later on, after the initial settler expansion wave was finished. In addition to the Great General points, the Encampment district also does provide +1 production on trade routes to that city; again, I plan on going Encampment/Commercial/Industrial/Harbor districts at the capital so that every other city can eventually run 1 food / 5 production trade routes back there. And the Encampment district also opens up the very cheap Barracks: +1 production and +1 housing for 80 production cost (along with another Great General point). I doubt I would do this against the AI, but it should be helpful here. After all, I don't just want the first Great General - I'd like the second one too if possible. |
Landing that marsh tile northwest of the rice via cultural expansion was indeed a fortunate break for me. If there's one small thing I wish I could change about Civ6, it would be the ability to pick which tile gets selected next via cultural expansion. The randomness always annoys me; there's no reason for it in a serious strategy game. In terms of research, I was heading for a very early Bronze Working on the tech tree for Encampment district and Great General purposes, and pushing towards the first governments at Political Philosophy in the civics tree. No surprise there, as that's what happens in almost every game. I was just doing it a lot faster as Rome in this one. And with Rome as my civ, I wanted to experiment with something that I'd theorycrafted before without having a chance to try in practice: no early monuments or granaries in my cities. Rome gets the monuments for free of course, but I wanted to experiment with skipping granaries as well, freeing up my expansions to push the growth curve as hard as possible with builders and traders and such. By the time I was running into the housing cap, I would have Engineering tech for Bath districts, and that would be enough housing for the rest of the game. That was the theory anyway, and I would be testing it later.
This was a list of the initial Great People available in this game. The Writers/Artists/Musicians always do the same thing, so these were the key ones to consider. That Great Engineer was very nice indeed, essentially a free early game wonder for anyone who could claim it. I would have loved to turn that into the Pyramids or Colosseum with no production invested. Teh was the heavy favorite to land that Great Person though, since he would eventually get access to cheap Hansas. I decided that I would see if it made sense to try for it (I would have some surplus faith from the city state for patronage). I planned to emphasize Commercial districts, and that would give me a good shot at the first Merchant, which had a pretty solid benefit. An extra trade route in the early game is always quite helpful. The Great Scientist was even better, and +1 science per library was a really nice benefit. (Libraries are 2 science by default, so that means this was double the normal benefit.) I wouldn't be getting that one though, as I was skipping the early Campus districts. It was a shame but you have to sacrifice somewhere, and I was choosing to build the early Encampment district instead.
On Turn 19, my civ ticked over 25 faith and I established the first pantheon: