All that stood in the way now of complete control over the starting contient was England. However, I was rather spent from being in a state of constant warfare over the last 400 years, so I thought it was prudent to pull back and consolidate for a few turns rather than attack immediately. I was also only two techs away from Cavalry, so I started research on Metallurgy and then Military Tradition. Even if England were to get to Nationalism during the fighting, cavalry would be enough to finish the job. I made 1000AD my target attack date, which would allow me 10 turns to reshuffle forces, research the techs, and get ready for the upcoming struggle. England had always been the strongest civ of the three on my continent, so I expected this to be a real fight although there would be no doubt as to the eventual outcome.
All of my preparations went according to plan, as I had my workers build the roads I needed to setup the attack and my research progressed at a rapid speed due to my civ's extreme size. This is the screenie for England before the war started:
The attack force of cavalry was split into two main columns: one that can be seen next to Rheims tha targeted Liverpool and another out of view that wea after Hastings. A third small force was outside Dormund to take Dover and give me control of the region north of the jungle. I missed by target date by one turn, and launched my attack in 1010AD.
The spearman (?) guarding Dover should have been an indication to me that England was not as tough as it looked. To my pleasant surprise, I found many cities defended only by spearmen throughout England, although they had iron and clearly could have upgraded them to pikes. The 3 move that cavs get is incredibly powerful, as it allows you to leapfrog from city to city without leaving your units exposed to a counterattack. I used the same principle later with Panzers to good effect as well. To get an indication of the speed of this war, look where London is on the map. London fell in 1040AD, 3 turns into the war (!)
I blitzed through England almost faster than I though possible, using workers to build roads and speed my path wherever needed. I also got my fair share of leaders in this war (of course):
They popped up in 1070AD and 1090AD, respectively. I used Horsa to rush Wall Street, for lack of something better to build, and Barbarossa#2 to rush Adam Smith's.
England caved under my attacks incredibly quickly, and I took all of their cities on my contient (and yes, it was MY continent by this time) in 1090AD! I signed peace with them as well for the techs that I had been neglecting while fighting wars. The extreme speed of this attack testified to the value of cavalry: speed is king in Civ3. A little map of former England, for your viewing pleasure:
Building Smith's had kicked off a Golden Age for my civ at a perfect time to build some factories and beef up my infrastructure. I would use the next 50 or so turns to prepare for an industrial age blitz with panzers. Well, that and settle some old scores with the ladies that had been forced into exile...
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War with England: 1010AD - 1090AD Total Turns: 8 Result: Peace Treaty |