1190AD     Victory?

Well enough of my attempts at being dramatic. Here was the vote:

A complete sweep, as expected. This outcome was never in doubt as soon as I built the UN; in fact, I was sure I would win as soon as I entered the Modern Age and saw that no one else had researched Fission yet. I did manage things rather nicely overall though in the endgame. Here is the final histograph from my victory in 1190AD:

Russia was really getting its clock cleaned at the end; on the last turn before I won Persia took Moscow. Just look at how drastically their power was reduced in the histograph. For comparison, check the one from 950AD before the attack. I actually was the equal of the other AI civs in this final histograph!

A few final comments are in order. This was my first Deity game ever, in a less than ideal starting postition, and I surprised myself by winning it. Whine all you like about a diplomatic victory being cheap, I EARNED this one. Throughout the game I was the most peaceful civ of all, who traded fairly with everyone and never broke a single deal. Out of all the civs, I most deserved to be named the head of the UN. And no one can say this game wasn't hard work, as it took everything I had and then some to pull out a victory.

This game also shows that an early war is NOT necessary to win on Deity. I did this game peacefully up until the very end, and I wouldn't have fought then if I had had any chance to build the UN otherwise. I never even got a Mounted Warrior until 1100AD! I learned quite a bit about Civ3 in this game, especially on how to survive when by all means you shouldn't have a ghost of a chance. Now that I've won a Deity game, it looks like time for me to play an Emperor game (yes, that's right: I've won on Deity but never played on Emperor before.

Much thanks go out to all those on the CivFanatics forums for providing invaluable help over the last few months that allowed me to climb to success on the hardest difficulty in a mere five months of playing Civ3. To all those who played in this GOTM, I hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as I did, and good luck in the next game!

Final Score: 6647

The competition has since ended and the results have been posted. I came in 16th place in terms of score, out of 99 entries. Only 19 of the those games were victories, attesting to the difficulty of the game. My game was the fastest diplomatic finish by a good margin, more than 200 years faster than the next-closest. Unfortunately CivFanatics doesn't award a medal for the fastest diplo victory, but I still consider it a major achievement. To see the complete list of results, click here and select Classic GOTM7 from the drop down menu. Ironically, the after-the-fact JASON scoring system now employed by the Game of the Month ranks my result 8th, and awarded me a Fastest Diplo medal. Too bad I didn't receive this credit until years after the game took place!