The second game played by the Realms Beyond crew had the goal of racking up scenario points for fulfilling various "scenario" objectives. Read on for a journey into this variant scoring system. |
valign="top" | Introduction: The Scenario Rules |
OR? |
valign="top" | 4000BC       Where's the Beef? (Food) | |
valign="top" | 2270BC       Russian Chokepoint | |
valign="top" | 730BC     The Age of Exploration | |
valign="top" | 230BC     The World Explodes in Violence | |
valign="top" | 130AD     A Broken Deal?! Oh, the Humanity! | |
valign="top" | 590AD     The Siege of Moscow: Catherine's Final Fate | |
valign="top" | 970AD     A Lull in the Winds of War | |
valign="top" | 1420AD     A Date That Would Live in Infamy | |
valign="top" | 1590AD     Tokugawa Pays the Price of Arrogance | |
valign="top" | 1700AD     The Great Literacy Campaign | |
valign="top" | 1856AD     Endgame |