Realms Beyond Epic 18: Potluck Strikes Back

The original potluck was the most popular Epic, and now it returned in a bigger and better form. Each player would randomly get assigned one of six civs, and then play TWO games on two maps, with the goal of winning victory types associated with each civ trait. The civ that each player gets is random, but the same maps are played by everyone. It makes for some great comparisons! For this venture, I would be leading the Greeks (once again) to the goal of Diplomatic and Spaceship Victories.
Epic 18a

Epic 18b

4000BC     Alexander Again?! Starting Out 4000BC     Marooned on a Desert Island
730BC       Déja Vu! War With Rome 150BC       Pacifists and Psychos
500AD       For Want of Coal... 1200AD     Peace! Can't We All Just Get Along?
1290AD     Blasting Off Into the Night